Dutch slam Flemish HGV road charging plans

The Dutch Infrastructure Minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen (liberal) has told the Flemish Transport Minister Ben Weyts (nationalist) that she is opposed to the Flemish Government’s plans for the introduction of road charging for heavy goods vehicles in our region.
Nicolas Maeterlinck

The Dutch say that the introduction of road charging will throw up barriers for their hauliers.

The Dutch Infrastructure Minister says that the Flemish Government’s plans are unfair.

"The Belgian hauliers will be compensated through various tax exemptions. The Belgian road fund license will be reduced for HGVs to the minimum acceptable to Europe and is even being scrapped altogether for smaller trucks. This means that Belgian companies are being compensated, giving them an advantage over companies from abroad. T

he Dutch say that the Flemish Government’s HGV road charging plans are illegal as they contravene EU anti-discrimination rules.

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