Belgian director to work on British series

Jan Matthys, director of the Flemish television series 'In Vlaamse Velden' (In Flanders Fields), will be going to the UK to work on the third season of BBC One's crime series ‘Shetland’. Mr Matthys will be working alongside Irish screenwriter Taddeus O'Sullivan. He is the third Fleming to direct a British series in a short period of time.
A scene from 'In Vlaamse Velden'

Flemish directors have a good reputation in the UK. Jacob Verbruggen (known in Flanders from such series as 'Code 37' and 'Zuidflank') directed 'The Fall', and Tim Mielants ('Cordon') ran recordings of 'The Tunnel'. Now, Jan Matthys will be added to that list with the prestigious 'Shetland' series.

In Flanders, Mr Matthys is known from television series like 'In Vlaamse Velden' and 'Quiz Me Quick'. He also contributed to 'Aspe', 'Katarakt' and 'De Smaak van De Keyser' ('Taste of De Keyser'). At BBC One, Mr Matthys will be cooperating with Thaddeus O'Sullivan ('Silent Witness', 'Amber', 'The Crimson Field').

The third season of the crime series 'Shetland' will consist of six episodes revolving around Inspector Jimmy Perez. It will be shot entirely in Scotland. The first three episodes have already been recorded. Mr Matthys is now doing preparatory work in Glasgow and the Shetland Isles. He is getting ready to shoot the final three episodes of the season.

These are busy days for Jan Matthys. Apart from 'Shetland', he's also working on his film debut with 'Vele Hemels' ('Many Heavens'), a movie based on Flemish writer Griet Op de Beeck's first novel 'Vele Hemels Boven de Zevende' ('Many Heavens Beyond the Seventh One'). The film will be developed by production company Caviar.

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