No trains between Bruges and Ostend

There are no train services running this weekend between the West Flemish cities of Bruges and Ostend. The company responsible for the maintenance of Belgium’s rail infrastructure Infrabel is carrying out major renewal work on the track between the two cities.

A replacement bus service will be in operation while the work is carried out. The line should reopen by Monday morning. Infrabel describes this weekend’s track renewal as “a race against time”.

Dozens of teams of labourers will be working around the clock throughout the weekend in order to ensure that the work is completed before the start of services on Monday morning.

A total of 6 new sets of points need to be installed in just 50 hours. Each point is 52 metres long and weighs 30 tonnes. In addition to this, work will also carried out on the overhead cables and the signalling system will also be given the once over.

Infrabel’s Thomas Baeken told the VRT that "This is work on a grand scale to ensure the safety and punctuality of rail travel.”

"Our people face a great challenge. This is one of the country’s most important rail routes. This means that as much as possible needs to be done in the shortest time."

If all goes to plan, the first train should travel along the Ostend to Bruges line.

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