Beware of bogus mails from telecom company

The telecom company Scarlet is warning its customers to be on their guard. Over the past few days e-mails have been in circulation warning Scarlet customers about bogus e-mails. However, the e-mail warning is itself bogus. Scarlet says that it is dealing with the issue.

A fortnight ago the police issued a warning about fraudualent e-mails proporting to be from Scarlet that were in circulation.

Now the fraudsters are abusing the police warning to send a second bogus e-mail (see photo). The e-mail asks the recipiant to pay an arrears on his/her account, by means of a so-called voucher.

The e-mail provides an external link where payment can made. The police advises not to click on the link. Meanwhile, Scarlet says that it is awear of the fraudulant e-mail and that it is doing all it can to resolve the issue.


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