Court sentences Former MP to concentration camp visits

The Court of Appeal in Brussels has passed sentence on the former Federal MP Laurent Louis. Mr Louis had already been found guilty of holocaust denial. The Appeals’ Court ruled that Mr Louis must visit a concentration camp each year for the next five year.
Nicolas Maeterlinck

Providing he abides by the ruling, no further punishment will be given to the maverick former MP who once called the then Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo a paedophile during question time in the Chamber of Representatives.

Mr Louis will not only have to visit Nazi death camps such as Auschwitz, Dachau and Treblinka, but he must also write a report about his visit on his blog.

Mr Louis was convicted of Holocaust denial after comment he made about the WWII gas chambers on his blog two years ago. He wrote “Jean-Marie Le Pen said that the gas chambers were a detail in history of the Second World War. But if you think about it a bit you can ask yourself whether this is completely wrong”.

At his first trial Mr Louis was given a six month suspended sentence and a 3,000 euro fine.

Laurent Louis was elected at the 2010 Federal Election as the only MP from the Parti Populaire that was set up by the commercial lawyer Mischaël Modrikamen. A year later he was thrown out of the party and sat as an independent until he lost his seat at the 2014 Federal Election.

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