"Countries like Belgium, who see the added value of Europe, have won"

The Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel (Francophone liberal) told reporters after the European summit in Brussels - that centred on a new deal for Britain - that it's countries that find that the EU gives an added value and that support even more integration, have won. Michel adds that Belgium was one of the frontrunners in the debate to safeguard a continued integration.

Charles Michel had made the headlines in Britain by saying that the present deal worked out with Britain would be a one-off concession, and that it was not to be renegotiated by the British if, for example, the British people would vote for leaving the EU (despite the latest concessions) in the upcoming referendum.

Michel does not advocate exception measures worked out to please Britain (or for any country). Britain will not have to strive for an ever stronger union, but other countries will continue the integration process. Michel also supports a further integration and says that he is relieved that "possible doubts" or "any threat" concerning a possible British veto against a stronger eurozone have been wiped off the table.

How much did Britain get?

The Belgian PM said that what concerns the concessions on the welfare rights of migrant workers, a compromise was found that "meets European values". He adds that there is a big difference between what was asked by the British at first, and what was reached in the final deal. Limits on the free traffic of people are only temporary and a watchdog will be installed to supervise the process.

The accord "confirms the special role that Britain plays" says Michel, who thinks that it can create more stability in the relations between London and Brussels.

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