De Haan boasts Belgium's oldest man

At 106 Gustavus Leclercq has become the country's oldest male. The news comes after Jacques Clemens, until Wednesday Belgium's oldest man, died at the age of 108.

Clemens, a priest, wasn't a Belgian national, but had been living in Ham-sur-Heure-Nalinnes, in Hainaut (Wallonia) for over sixty years. In Ham-sur-Heure-Nalinnes he had been involved in the construction of the local church and had decided to stay there ever since.

Gustavus Leclercq hails from the North Sea resort of De Haan, where he still lives at home with his wife. It's not clear whether the bracing conditions of our North Sea coast have contributed to his longevity.

At 110 Madeleine Dullier is Belgium's oldest inhabitant. She was born in Mellet in 1907 and lives in a nursing home in Courcelles.

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