Tram bus to link Brussels to Brussels Airport by 2019

The new ring tram bus should be operational by 2019. The vehicle that is new to Belgian roads and tram tracks will connect the Heizel in the City of Brussels with Brussels Airport in Flanders.

The Flemish government has just finalised the route of the tram bus with local municipalities. The conveyance will travel from the Heizel in Brussels through Grimbergen, Vilvoorde and Machelen to Brussels Airport crisscrossing the outer Brussels orbital ring road.

The Flemish local transport company De Lijn that will operate the service says the tram bus is something inbetween a tram and a bus. They promise extra comfort, more space and capacity, all items urgently needed in the congested area north of the Flemish and Belgian capital.

The mayor of Vilvoorde, one of the signatories to the agreement, adds that the conveyance should help to convince people not to use their car for short journeys. The plans will soon be made public and local residents will be asked to provide feedback.

Investments in cycling paths are also planned.

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