Wet and gloomy June sets 180-year record

The past month of June in Belgium was the wettest on record. We had 174.6 millimetres of rain, more than double the normal amount. June was also very gloomy. The measuring station in Ukkel only had 116 hours of sunshine, compared to 188 on average; the worst score since 1991.

Any month of June never had more rain since records began in 1833. Moreover, the rain fell in just 24 days as the start to the month was still dry. This triggered local floods in many parts of Flanders. 174.6 litres of rain per square metre is 2.5 times the long-time average of 71.8. The first six months of the year, were also the wettest on record.

The rainfall applies to Ukkel, but many areas had to cope with much more, such as large parts of north-eastern Belgium in Limburg province. West Flanders and the coastal area were generally better off (see map below).

"June was a very special month, with also many days of thunderstorms and very little wind", the VRT's weather presenter Frank Deboosere says.

Summer will not start just yet, as no major changes are expected in the coming week. While 1 July last year was a particularly hot day, temperatures will only climb to 20 degrees today and more clouds, showers included, are expected.

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