What’s new from 1 February?

As at the start of every month, a number of changes come into force that will have an impact on our everyday lives. The Flemish public transport company De Lijn has introduced a new fare structure and has abolished free public transport for pensioners and some other groups. In future only children under 5, war veterans and handicapped people will travel free on De Lijn’s network of buses and trams.

Pensioners can buy a season ticket at a reduced price of 50 euro/year.

The Brussels public transport company MIVB that already charged most pensioners 60 euro/year for a season ticket is making few if any chances to the price of its tickets.

In future, De Lijn’s pricing structure will be based on time rather that tariff zones. A single ticket that allows you to change bus and tram as much as you want within a 1 hour period will cost 3 euro. A ticket allowing 10x1 hour of travel will cost 14 euro. The price of a single ticket bought via text messaging has risen from 1.45 euro to 1.95 euro.

Season tickets remain the cheapest option for regular travellers. The price of a Buzzy Pazz for 12-24 year olds has risen to 195 euro/year. Meanwhile the price of an Omnipas (for 24 to 65 year olds) rises from 249 to 294 euro/year.
Children from 6 to 11 years can buy a 50 euro annual season ticket.

© Clément Philippe - www.belgaimage.be

Beer more expensive

The country’s two biggest brewers AB InBev and Alken Maes have increased the price of their beer.

This applies both to beer sold in shops and in bars and clubs. AB InBev has put the price it charges for its lager beer (Jupiler and Stella) up by 1.7 cent/glass.

It is up to the owners of bars, cafés and clubs whether they increase the price they charge their customers. Meanwhile Alken Maes says that its price increase varies according to product.

Digital file at Children’s Agency

From now on all medical data of infants that are examined by nurses at the Children’s Agency Kind en Gezin will be stored digitally. Previously, paper files were used.

The idea behind the change is to simplify the exchange of information between various partners (GPs, paediatricians etc…)

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