Belgian job market expected to grow

The Belgian job market is expected to grow over the next quarter. According to the Manpower Employment Outlook Survery, there will be a rise in job opportunities from October to December. During the third quarter, the outlook was negative: employers expecting a decline in job opportunities formed the majority.

The survey implies job market growth in Flanders and Brussels and a small decline in Wallonia. Flanders scored the best results since the third quarter of 2011. 4% of employers are planning to hire extra people, 1% will fire staff and 92% expects a status quo.

Manpower wonders whether Belgian employers are gaining back their confidence: “The sky above our job market is about to clear”. However, Philippe Lacroix, managing director of ManpowerGroup Belux, warns that there is no sign of any structural growth: “Employers are claiming opposite things and, in these uncertain times, remain focused on short term goals.”

751 Belgian employers were questioned in relation to the survey.

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