New Ghent Circulation Plan: detour via Brussels?!

The new Road Circulation Plan in the city of Ghent is not receiving thumbs up from everyone. Sarcastic comments were boosted when a digital traffic sign in the heart of the city was warning against... a closed tunnel in Brussels.

The plan was introduced last Monday. Ghent has banned all through traffic: motorists wanting to travel from one end of the city to another, now have to take the ring road. One frustrated Ghent resident, who was accidentally quizzed by the VRT, voiced his sarcasm by saying "I don't need Brussels, do I, to get to my destination?" 

However, his remark was not so far-fetched after all... as a couple of days later, passers-by noticed an electronic road sign in the city centre - at the Koophandelsplein, one of the places where cars have now been banned - was displaying the message warning for a closed Halletunnel in Brussels in French and Dutch.

The Hallepoort Tunnel is situated some 60 kilometres from Ghent, in the Belgian capital. The Ghent Mobility company explained they rented the digital signs from an external company, and that it displayed an old message by accident. The wrong text had appeared earlier as well; engineers said it had been fixed, but this was apparently not the case.

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