Brussels is the European Union's 3rd richest region

The Brussels Region had a GDP per capita worth 207 per cent the EU average in 2013. Only Inner London (325 per cent) and the Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (258 per cent) boast better figures in the European Union. That's according to the European statistics office Eurostat.

While Brussels had just over double the European Union average, it advanced the Hamburg Region in Germany (195%), Groningen in the Netherlands (187%), Bratislava in Slovakia (184%), Stockholm in Sweden (179%), Ile de France in Paris (175%) and Prague in the Czech Republic (173%). 

Eurostat makes an important remark. "The GDP output per person can be largely influenced by the number of commuters. Some regions are seeing a big influx of commuters that help the area to bring growth and prosperity to levels that could not be reached by the local population itself. The opposite can be seen in regions where many of these commuters live."

Where Belgium is concerned, every Flemish province has an output that exceeds the European average, except for Limburg province that has to be content with 99%. The Flemish Region as a whole reaches 120%.

It's a different story for Wallonia, where only the province of Walloon Brabant (129%) does better than the EU average. The Walloon Region as a whole only has 88%.

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